NOWs: Anne Duk Hee Jordan – Sacred Food

15. November - 01. Januar 2016 / Nows

Anne Duk Hee Jordan: Kartoffeln, 2013

Food is an existential and fundamental basic need that must be satisfied. Maslow’s ‘hierarchy of needs’, a theory proposed by the psychologist in his 1943 paper „A Theory of Human Motivation“ elaborates further: physiological needs are the physical requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not met, the human body cannot function properly and will ultimately fail. Physiological needs are thought to be the most important; they should be met first. Air, water, and food are metabolic requirements for survival in all animals, including humans. Staple food is an economic and a sociopolitical good: in this way, food undergoes a cultural change. Food preparation techniques are based on cultural knowledge developed over thousands of years, which also lead to specific eating habits.
Anne Duk Hee Jordan makes the following comparison: “Long ago humans discovered the Eastern Islands, they populated it and grubbed up the forest surface, among other reasons also to place the large famous statues on. Some time later they finished the raw materials to survive, because the available space was very limited. There were military conflicts between the individual villages and only the strongest one survived. But even the stronger once were dying at the end, because also they found nothing more to eat. They started to actually eat each other. Since they did not have boats (they also could not build any, as no more trees were there) they could not flee. They became extinct.” – Text by Pauline Doutreluingne

Anne Duk Hee Jordan’s photographs are on display in the exhibition:
SACRED FOOD: A visual and culinary exploration on food and spirituality
Featuring works of Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Sarmishta Pantham, Tito Casal, Alexis Raskin, Antônio Sérgio Moreira and a Table of Sacred Foods by Entretempo’s Collective.

In many religions, in different ages and in different cultures, food has been prepared, eaten or offered for ceremonies and celebrations. Buddhist and Hindus believe that our memories and emotions connected to food are so strong that even after we die, our spirit still remembers this. That is the reason why the beloved food of the person who died is offered at her or his altar. In the Brazilian-African religion food is prepared for special rituals to honour divinities and Gods, and in Tibetan monasteries monks prepare food while singing mantras, to benefit all sentient beings. But also in our everyday life food has often a spiritual meaning.

Through special recipes and rituals, we establish connections with the spiritual world. Where do these recipes come from? How and when are the rituals performed, and by who? „Sacred Food: Nourishment For Body & Soul“ looks at these and other questions in order to find out how food and spirituality are connected.

Exhibition SACRED FOOD | 15.11.16 – 01.01.17
Opening 15.11.16 – 7 PM

Entretempo Kitchen Gallery