NOWs: 24h Dahlem by Clara Jo in collaboration with Robert Lippok

06 - 11 June 2017 / Nows

Clara Jo: 24h Dahlem, 2016 (film still)

24h Dahlem, 2016 (17 min) examines the motivations behind, and consequences of, the planned relocation (2019) of the ethnographic collections from the Dahlem State Museums—the Ethnological Museum and Museum for Asian Art—on the periphery of Berlin to the future site of the Humboldt Forum in BerlinMitte. The film moves through the different layers of the museum, revealing that which is otherwise unseen. The soundtrack is created by Robert Lippok.

24 h Dahlem will be shown at the ICA during a Ticketed Screening and Shortlisted Films on June 11.

Additionally Clara Jo’s experimental film Tilt will be presented at the Bargehouse for the Festival Selection on June 7 & 8.

Tilt, 2016 (13 min) creates a contemporary parallel of an Enlightenment World, employing current museological digital imaging technologies as devices to penetrate the surface of scientific and artistic objects. The film uncovers how new 3D imaging techniques utilized by museum conservation departments bypass the need to directly incise into material culture, instead providing a surrogate and abstracted experience of objects for public consumption. The film draws from the Royal Academy of Arts Collections and Archives, folding in material from other London institutions such as the Burlington Courtyard Learned Societies and the Imaging and Analysis Centre at the Natural History Museum.