Ideas Are Motion, Part 3: Reykjavik
Ideas Are Motion: The Poster as an Experiment in Travel
Part 3: Reykjavik Art Museum – Hafnarhús, Iceland
Without Destination – TRAIL, Reykjavik Art Museum – Hafnarhús, Iceland
with works by: Fernanda Trevellin de Almeida, Julius von Bismarck, Julian Charrière, Elise Eeraerts, Olafur Eliasson, Eric Ellingsen, Andreas Greiner, Markus Hoffmann, Jeremias Holliger, Friederike Horbrügger, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Felix Kiessling, Fabian Knecht, Jae Rhim Lee, Gabrielle Mainguy, Laura McLardy, Astrid Nippoldt, Timea Anita Oravecz, Sophia Pompéry, Sarah Rechberger, Dan Stockholm, Alvaro Urbano, Ósk Vilhjálmsdóttir, Raul Walch, Christina Werner, Euan Williams, Hendrik Wolking
in collaboration with Markús Þór Andrésson
Ideas Are Motion takes place in
(1) Zagreb, Croatia (2) Japan (3) Iceland.
Ideas Are Motion: The Poster as an Experiment in Travel is prismatically structured to reflect the making of a class excursion, within the making of an individual art project, within the making of a collective project, within the feeling of a place, within an exhibition in that place.
Exhibition film
Exhibition views
from Reykjavik Art Museum