26 January 2011 / Making of ⟶
Experience Experiments
Experience Experiments (the making of)
Curated by Eric Ellingsen & the Institut für Raumexperimente
“Experientia is rendered ‘experience’ and distinguished from ‘experimentum’ (experiment), though this distinction was not common in the period.”
– Note in Appendix to Simon Schaffer’s Latin translation of Thomas Hobbes’s Physical Dialogue (1661)

1) cover your left eye. (2) stare at the X. (3) move your head closer to the X until you see the spot disappear.
“The physicist George Darwin used to say that every once in a while one should do a completely crazy experiment, like blowing the trumpet to the tulips every morning for a month. Probably nothing would happen, but what if it did?”
– Ian Hacking, Representing and Intervening
“Experiments are elaborate filters set up in the space of phenomena.”
– Peter Galison, How Experiments End
“I do not know whether my way of approach is really the best and simplest. But, in short, it was mine. The ‘naïve physicist’ was myself. And I could not find any better or clearer way towards the goal than my own crooked one… A good method of developing ‘the naïve physicist’s ideas’ is to start from the odd, almost ludicrous, question…”
– Erwin Schrodinger, What is Life?
Experiments are always experienced. Something happens. Maybe a + b starts to equal brightness. Maybe 2 + 2 = cold. Ideas follow feelings. Things touch, including ideas and precepts. We are enmeshed with time and space. Our perception of the world ripples through our curiosity, snags on our intellect, and collects our attention in intrigue, wonder, and questions. Why did that something happen and not something else? How can we make it happen again, or not happen again, differently, or the same? How can these things inform the art I make, precisely, critically? We start to experiment. How? Experimentation is a process and that process is never neatly waltzed steps between making and thinking. How to proceed? When does it end?
Isaac Newton sticks a long shoe maker’s needle, a bodkin, behind his eye-ball to squeeze and bend his lens in order to literally see how we see colors. But he also believes in Absolutes (absolute Time and Space), and the alchemical alignment of seven colors. How does what he wants to see affect how he is looking and his ability to see what is happening?
Experience Experiments asks by acting our simple questions: what are experiments, how are they made, how they are experienced, and how might experimental methods be important in the making of art?
In order to host such questions, we will organize the semester around our senses: seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting, moving. We will treat the body as a scientific instrument, as Goethe says. Each sense of the body will have a rotation of ‘lectures’, ‘conversations’, ‘presentations.’ We will meet once a week, usually, but not always, on Wednesdays from 11-13.30. The entire course will cut a wavy track through a history of nature, science, art, writing, and perception. Each session will be like a state which shares many permeable boarders with the classes around it and simultaneously with the content of the Institut für Raumexperimente. Criticality and perception will underpin the entire course.
We will make many table-top experiments and a book. This will be a week to week book of questions which we add to and edit as we go along. Please email or bring questions about the readings or discussions each week which we will add into the book as content.
***Researchers at Charite in Steglitz have invited participants in this class to volunteer to take part in fMRI, EEG, and behavioral experiments. Please see me if you would like to volunteer.
***GUESTS: we will occasionally have guests joining us from the Max Planck Institute in Berlin

Models Are Real
Experience Experiments: Models Are RealWith Eric Ellingsen
What is a model, the Latin modulus, as vs. is, the dangers and possibilities of, from Orreries to generative non-linear models; Observer Effect; the instruments role (technological, skill, experimenter as engineer with tacit knowledge); inert material, vs. world full of agency and emergence
Olafur Eliasson: Models are Real
Jean Baudrillard: Simulacra and Simulation
Wallace Steven: Landscape with boat
Experiment by Heinz Isler (group meets that evening outside IfREX to make model)
Excursion to the cavitation tunnel of the Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Schiffbau
Experience Experiments: Modeling (Feeling your way)Mit Eric Ellingsen
What is a model, the Latin modulus, as vs. is, the dangers and possibilities of, from Orreries to generative non-linear models; Observer Effect; the instruments role (technological, skill, experimenter as engineer with tacit knowledge); inert material, vs. world full of agency and emergence
Olafur Eliasson: Models are Real
Jean Baudrillard: Simulacra and Simulation
Wallace Steven: Landscape with boat
Experiment by Heinz Isler (group meets that evening outside IfREX to make model)
Besuch der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Schiffbau

Tasting the Dark
Experience Experiments: Tasting the DarkWith Lynn Peemoeller, Lauren Maurer & Eric Ellingsen
Group experiment: just back from break, we will spend this class together in total darkness. We will all eat together and serve each other in a completely dark room, as well as hold our conversation.
Diane Ackerman: A Natural History of the Senses: “Taste”
José Saramago: Blindness
Franz Kafka: A Hunger Artist
View programme PDF
Experience Experiments: Abendessen im Dunkeln (Geschmack von Dunkelheit)Mit Lynn Peemoeller, Lauren Maurer & Eric Ellingsen
Programm PDF

Hearing Things
Experience Experiments: Hearing Things
Phantom words & sound experiments (by Diana Deutsch); Louise Lawler – Bird Calls; Steve Reich; Cymatics ; “Drip Music”; Cage “water walk”; William Labov, socio linguists in American malls (where is the laboratory); qualia
Does Your Language Shape How You Think?, Guy Deutscher (Article link, New York Times)
Sleights of Mind, George Johnson (Article link, New York Times)
Experiment: (Website link, Diana Deutsch)
Visit to acoustic rooms: Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Technische Akustik with Eric Ellingsen
Experience Experiments: Akustische RäumeBesuch des Akustikraums im Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Technische Akustik mit Eric Ellingsen

Making Experiments Experience
Experience Experiments (Making Experiments Experience)
Production of knowledge; what is an experiment: from observation to making; thinking doing; Hobbes boil’s at Boyle; if you can spray them they are real; ‘members account’, ‘strangers account’, and making a book about experiments; intervene in the world; creation of new phenomena; and how the ship gets in the bottle
Video to watch in class: Ant Farm: Inflatables, 1971
References for introduction:
Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer: Leviathan and the Air-Pump
Peter Galison: How Experiments End
Ian Hacking: Representing and Intervening

Intuition, Jumping Around, and Other Methods
Experience Experiments (Intuition, Jumping Around, and Other Methods)
“The most lively thought is still inferior to the dullest sensation.” Hume, 1739
I. Morning
Empiricists; Frei Otto partners with matter; presuppositions; a role of theory; Doubt & Descartes; Epic Theater (Brecht’s rules of); double blind; Pepsi challenge; Tuskegee; MilgramExperiments; Sackett’s 56 biases; social psychology’s ‘will you go to bed with me’; mad scientists
Gilles Deleuze: Bergsonism: “Intuition as Method”; “A Return to Bergson”
Michel Serres with Bruno Latour: Conversations on Science, Culture, and Time: “Method”
Erwin Schrodinger, What is Life?: “The Naïve Physicist’s Approach to the Subject”
Experiment: soap films
II. Afternoon
History of Nature lecture: Aristotle 4 causes, observation to experiment, Galileo, Bacon, Christopher Wren kills dogs, Linnaeus, Buffon, le Notre, Darwin, Smithson, Self-organization, far from equilibrium
Raymond Williams: Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society
Daniel Botkin: Discordant Harmonies: “A View From a Marsh: Myths and Facts about Nature”, 3-13.
Bruno Latour: Introduction to We Have Never Been Modern
Experience Experiments (Intuition, Jumping Around, and Other Methods)
“The most lively thought is still inferior to the dullest sensation.” Hume, 1739
I. Morning
Empiricists; Frei Otto partners with matter; presuppositions; a role of theory; Doubt & Descartes; Epic Theater (Brecht’s rules of); double blind; Pepsi challenge; Tuskegee; MilgramExperiments; Sackett’s 56 biases; social psychology’s ‘will you go to bed with me’; mad scientists
Gilles Deleuze: Bergsonism: “Intuition as Method”; “A Return to Bergson”
Michel Serres with Bruno Latour: Conversations on Science, Culture, and Time: “Method”
Erwin Schrodinger, What is Life?: “The Naïve Physicist’s Approach to the Subject”
Experiment: soap films
II. Afternoon
History of Nature lecture: Aristotle 4 causes, observation to experiment, Galileo, Bacon, Christopher Wren kills dogs, Linnaeus, Buffon, le Notre, Darwin, Smithson, Self-organization, far from equilibrium
Raymond Williams: Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society
Daniel Botkin: Discordant Harmonies: “A View From a Marsh: Myths and Facts about Nature”, 3-13.
Bruno Latour: Introduction to We Have Never Been Modern

Poetry Experiments & The Artist’s Book
Experience Experiments (Poetry Experiments & The Artist’s Book)
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Book; Species of Spaces; Exercises of Style; 0-9; constraints and rules; artsy-fartsy
In class we will play around/make experiences in UbuWeb.
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E 1978 — 1981: Bernadette Mayer: “Experiments”
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E 1978 — 1981: Bruce Andrews: “Text and Context”
Read together in class: Daniel Spoerri; An Anecdoted Topography of Chance; Vito Acconci
Experiment: Everybody picks one: Please spend some time before the class finding one video, poem, or recording on UbuWeb which you can play for the class.
Excursion to barbara wien bookstore/gallery & Fluxus (Dieter Roth) collection

Feeling Your Way
Experience Experiments (Feeling Your Way)
Mapping; without a compass; measure; all the old ways about; you are the other too; agency of mapping; Fake-estates; non-sites; the map is not the territory; a dip in the lake; psychogeography ; Situationist International; geography & psychogeography; walk ways; Ian Sinclair; omnidirectional treadmills; haptic feedback; John Wylie: “A single day’s walking”
Michael de Certeau: The Practice of Everyday Life: “Walking in the City”
Jorge Luis Borges: “On Exactitude in Science”
Robert Smithson: The Collected Writings: “A Provisional Theory of Non-Sites”
Group experiment: Berlin blind map experiment
Experience Experiments (Feeling Your Way)
Mapping; without a compass; measure; all the old ways about; you are the other too; agency of mapping; Fake-estates; non-sites; the map is not the territory; a dip in the lake; psychogeography ; Situationist International; geography & psychogeography; walk ways; Ian Sinclair; omnidirectional treadmills; haptic feedback; John Wylie: “A single day’s walking”
Michael de Certeau: The Practice of Everyday Life: “Walking in the City”
Jorge Luis Borges: “On Exactitude in Science”
Robert Smithson: The Collected Writings: “A Provisional Theory of Non-Sites”
Group experiment: Berlin blind map experiment

Your Sense of Timing
Experience Experiments (Your Sense of Timing)In preparation for Three Days of Making Time: Revisiting the Debate between Bergson and Einstein
Einstein Bergson debate; waterfall illusion; thought experiments; Laplace and irreversibility
Henri Bergson: selections from Matter and Memory and Creative Evolution
Jorge Luis Borges: “The Garden of Forking Paths”
The Bergson/Einstein debate

Seeing Things
Experience Experiments (Seeing Things)
You as a scientific instrument; ‘first perceptions’ experiments; consciousness; experience; interference; prisms; experimentum crucis; some enlightenment
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “The Human Being is the Most Exact Instrument” & “Delicate Empiricism” in Goethe on Science
Richard Dawkins: Unweaving the Rainbow: “Bar Codes in the Stars”
Jonathan Crary: “Visionary Abstractions” in Surroundings Surrounded
Experiment: reenact Goethe
Watch: rotorelief films of Marcel Duchamp

Feeling Emotional, How Touching
Experience Experiments (Feeling Emotional, How Touching)
Proprioception; sustained spatial accuracy; body schema & body image (precept, concept, affect); embodiment; fixed frames of reference; expression of emotions in man and animals; the Molyneux question; kiki/bouba effect; throwness
Erin Manning and Brian Massumi: Coming Alive in a World of Texture: For Neurodiversity
Shaun Gallagher: How the Body Shapes the Mind (excerpts)
Jules Verne: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Ian Hacking: Representing and Intervening: “The Creation of Phenomena”
Table-top experiment (group): alien hand syndrome; inverted mirror hand tracing experiments; inverted expressions; von frey hairs

Seeing Things Double Again
Experience Experiments (Seeing Things Double Again)
Albers; Gestalt rules; visual intelligence; after images ; steoposis; blindspots; seeing illusions; constraints; inattentional blindness (Link: Visual Cognition Laboratory)
V. S. Ramachandran: Phantoms in the Brain: “Do Martians See Red?”
Jonathan Crary: “Historical Readings on the Afterimage” in Olafur Eliasson: your colour memory
Simon Ings: The Eye: A Natural History: “The Commonwealth of the Senses”
Look reading together: excerpts from Donald Hoffman: Visual Intelligence: How We Create What We See
Experiment: seeing into you blindspot walk
Video excerpts from Werner Herzog: Fata Morgana, 1971

Sensible Movements
Experience Experiments (Sensible Movements)
“The is experience at ground level … It’s experience grasped at the level of the setting in which your body moves, the gestures it makes, all the ordinariness connected with your clothes, with food, with traveling, with your daily routine, with your space.” George Perec
Seeing what you’re feeling; Étienne-Jules Marey; experimental filters; control and choice; truth-to-nature, mechanical objectivity, trained judgment; center of movement; drips; snow-flakes; pick-pockets on tours with neuroscientists; calder’s circus’; personal space
George Perec: Species of Spaces and Other Pieces: “The Work of Memory”
Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari: A Thousand Plateaus: “1730: Becoming-Intense, Becoming-Animal, Becoming-Imperceptible…”
Group experiment : Beckett, WATT walk & Chladni plates +

You Smell
Experience Experiments (You Smell)
3rd order connections & spatial temporal context of noses; odorama; smell-o-rama; WWII doctors and health; pheromones & the pits; sensory humunculus
Gregory Bateson: Mind and Nature: Introduction
Diane Ackerman: A Natural History of the Senses: “Smell”
Thomas Worm: “More Than Just a Passionate Nose” in Dufttunnel / Scent Tunnel