Sensible Movements

24 November 2010 / Making of

Experience Experiments (Sensible Movements)

“The is experience at ground level … It’s experience grasped at the level of the setting in which your body moves, the gestures it makes, all the ordinariness connected with your clothes, with food, with traveling, with your daily routine, with your space.” George Perec

Seeing what you’re feeling; Étienne-Jules Marey; experimental filters; control and choice; truth-to-nature, mechanical objectivity, trained judgment; center of movement; drips; snow-flakes; pick-pockets on tours with neuroscientists; calder’s circus’; personal space

George Perec: Species of Spaces and Other Pieces: “The Work of Memory”
Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari: A Thousand Plateaus: “1730: Becoming-Intense, Becoming-Animal, Becoming-Imperceptible…”

Group experiment : Beckett, WATT walk & Chladni plates +