Festival of Future Nows / Neue Nationalgalerie
From October 30th to November 1st, 2014, the Festival of Future Nows brings together performances, sculptures, talks, and installations by 100 artists, who have been part of the past five years of program of the Institut für Raumexperimente at the Berlin University of the Arts. The festival will be held within the David Chipperfield exhibition Sticks and Stones at the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin.
With contributions by AEAEAEAE, Diego Agulló, Jamie Allen, Berhanu Ashagrie Deribew, Malte Bartsch, Simon Bauer, Viktor Bedö, Julius von Bismarck, Ally Bisshop, Bling Bling Recycling Collective, Rune Bosse, Jan Bünnig, Andreas Bunte, Anton Burdakov, Lucas Buschfeld, Manuel Breuer, Luz Broto, Merlin Carter, Julian Charrière, Cooking Sections, Nico Dockx & Clara Meister, Elise Eeraerts, Olafur Eliasson, Leon Eixenberger, Eric Ellingsen, Tomás Espinosa, Maresa Anna Fiege, Jan Fiege, Nina Fischer & Maroan el Sani, Thilo Frank, Ivana Franke, Kendell Geers, Fabian Geimer-Lorusso, Tamrat Gezahegne, Hildur Guðnadóttir, Andreas Greiner, Perry Hall, Egon Hanfstingl, Elín Hansdóttir, Lutz Henke, Friedrich Herz, Elaine W. Ho, Markus Hoffmann, Jeremias Holliger, Rike Horb, Rafael Ibarra, Petja Ivanova, Asako Iwama, Jeroen Jacobs, Clara Jo, Hans Jóhannsson, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Institut für Raumexperimente, Mihret Kebede, Felix Kiessling, Fabian Knecht, Andreas Koch, Steen Koerner, Takehito Koganezawa, Hans-Henning Korb, Norgard Kröger, Jeewi Lee, Deborah Ligorio, Robert Lippok, Amelie Marei Löllmann, Anastasia Loginova, Yutaka Makino, Gabrielle Mainguy, Ayumi Matsuzaka, Natasha Mendonca, Rodrigo Maltez Novaes, Felix Meyer, Vladimir Miller, Jorge Miñano, Mette Moestrup, Meike Nittel, Timea Anita Ovarecz, osa_office for subversive architecture, Kirsten Palz, Ece Pazarbaşı, Anton Peitersen, Sophia Pompéry, Claudio Puntin, Anne Rauch, Marcela Reichelt, Vinzenz Reinecke, Michal B. Ron, Macarena Ruiz-Tagle, Aykan Safoğlu, Joel Scott, Tiago Romagnani Silveira, Yorgos Sapountzis, Rike Scheffler, Nina Schuiki, Daniela Seel, Matthias Sohr, Diana Sprenger, Dan Stockholm, Yuichiro Tamura, Robel Temesgen, Alkistis Thomidou, Fernanda Trevellin, Alvaro Urbano, Kat Válastur, Quynh Vantu, Vlado Velkov, Ósk Vilhjálmsdóttir, Shira Wachsmann, Raul Walch, Jonas Wendelin, Jan St. Werner, Dr. Uwe Westphal, Louwrien Wijers, Euan Williams, Hendrik Wolking, Helen Zeru.
A project by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin University of the Arts in collaboration with the Neue Nationalgalerie
Supported by Einstein Foundation Berlin, TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation, Goethe-Institut Addis Ababa, Jacqueline Diffring Foundation, Museum & Location GmbH, Studio Olafur Eliasson, Verein der Freunde der Nationalgalerie.