Mapping the Invisible City
Atmospheres and Subnatures at Arat Kilo
Workshop by Makeda Begashaw (Addis Ababa), Polina Chebotareva (Copenhagen) and Christina Werner (Berlin) at the Alle School of Fine Arts, Addis Ababa, November 5th – 8th, 2019
Presentations on November 11th, 2019 in the context of a workshop by the research network Atmospheres in the Urban Anthropocene – International and Cross-disciplinary Research Network held at Guramayne Art Center, Addis Ababa
The course introduces the participants to the terms ‘Atmosphere’ and ‘Subnature’ that allow to critically reflect upon the invisible things that make up a city. It introduces a method for documenting the atmosphere by registering the sensory and affective perception, the commented city walks, as well as a variety of artistic methods of mapping of atmospheres in specific urban contexts. Participants are encouraged to collect data on atmosphere and subnatures, mapping the Arat Kilo area and to rethink the scientific method of mapping atmospheres in their own artistic interpretation. The produced maps of the atmospheres and subnatures at Arat Kilo were presented at Guramayne Art Center as part of an international research workshop.
Participants: Muluadam Adane / Michael Hailu / Gashahun Kassahun / Tewodros Kifle / Temesgen Mastewal / Solomon Shifraw Abebe

photos: Polina Chebotareva, Christina Werner