NOWs: 1st Open House at KUMI*13

1st Open House at KUMI*13
anti speculative house project
Kurmärkische Straße 13
10783 Berlin
7 December, 2 – 8 pm
Dear neighbours, supporters, friends,
Here we go and open the doors. We bought a house together with the Mietshäuser Syndikat, where we will live but which isn’t anymore anyone’s property. We look forward to exchanging ideas and questions with you, such as: who / what are we? what does the neighbouhood need? and how can we go about it? and therefore invite you to:
14:00 Auf, die Türen! Traumhausmalen mit Kindern und Erwachsenen
14:30 Pressekonferenz: Das Wunder der Kumi*13
15:00 – 18:00 Führungen durchs Haus und offene Ateliers & Fragerunden
18:30 Weihung des Hauses durch Pastor Leumund
19:00 Danceoke! with Juli Reinartz
more info about the project here