NOWs: Continuum II by La Red Communitaria Trans/Tomás Espinosa

26 - 30 August 2020 / Nows

Continuum II

Video installation

Center for Literature
Burg Hülshoff
Schonebeck 6
48329 Havixbeck

Continuum II is on view as part of the festival Keine Sorge / Don’t Care.

Check out the full program here.

Continuum II is an invitation to immerse oneself in the lives of six transgender women sex workers and is an opportunity not only to understand their pain but to see what they have done with it. We hear stories and testimonies that have not been told. It is memories of oppression, persecution and violence that need to be told and shared, because this recognition is a guarantee to heal the present and open the way to the future.*

Art in the form of performance and installation is used as a tool to make the violence known, to express and acknowledge it, to embrace the pain and then let it go.

*32 trans people were murdered in Colombia during the preparations for Continuum II

A work by Daniela Maldonado, Ana Bravo, Paula Gempeler, Juan David Cortes, Tomás Espinosa in Collaboration with the Red Comunitaria Trans: Valeria Lopez, Franchesca Caballero, Nini Palomino, Natalia Bernal and Bárbara Sanchez