NOWs: Demi-Gros

Group Show
Opening: 15 August 2018, 7pm
Safe Gallery, Les Valseuses
Eberswalderstraße 28
10437 Berlin
The Safe Gallery, probably Berlin‘s smallest exhibition space, will host a group show of 72 Berlin artists.
The title of the show, Demi-Gros, refers both to a traditional unit of measure in foodstuffs (a gross, or a dozen dozen), and to middlemen who connect wholesale and retail in commerce.
All the artworks are presented in a wooden box of not even the size of a shoebox in a wall safe.
The (uncurated) show reflects the breadth of the Berlin art scene with artists of 17 nationalities, aged between 27 and 74 (the average being 44), working in an unusual format.
Exploring the exhibition requires the collaboration of the visitor. The box has to be extracted from the safe (the French word trésor also means treasure) and is accompanied by an explanatory booklet and white gloves on a table. And it can be quite difficult to reinsert the artworks in the box…
Peter Ungeheuer, Berlin, July 2018