NOWs: Football matches and lunar landings by Euan Williams

07 April 2016 / Nows

Football matches and lunar landings, 2014, 36 min, (extract) by Euan Williams

Euan Williams’s Football matches and lunar landings presents a close up video of the screen of an old cathode ray television. A film is playing that slowly runs through the colour spectrum by individually charging up the red, green and blue pixels of the television’s screen. The slow shifts in pattern and colour are created by the interplay between the camera and the screen and the shifts in luminosity between the minutely separated pixels.

This is an echo of the performance Televisioning which was executed by the inhabitants of a Berlin housing block close to the Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin and within the context of the Festival of Future Nows.

‘Football matches and lunar landings‘ by Euan Williams will be presented alongside documentation of ‘We Shall Survive in the Memory of Others’ by Vilém Flusser and the film ‘Salt White’ by Keti Machavariani on April 7th, 2016 at 20:00 at Werkstatt der Kulturen Berlin.