NOWs: Lp/’16 with Thilo Frank, Tomás Saraceno, Michael Sailstorfer, Björn Dahlem, Elín Hansdóttir, and others
Lichtparcours Braunschweig 2016 presents current works throughout the city and on the premises of the Port of Braunschweig-Veltenhof. In this fourth edition of the exhibition format, the focus will be on new artistic productions. After exploring the urban landscape, the artists developed concepts for site-specific works, each applying different strategies of intervention for public locations. Considerations for the periodic transformations in natural lighting throughout an entire day, constitute vital points of reference: For the first time, there will be a focus on works whose interplay with the surroundings can be experienced during all 24 hours of the day. Visitors will be offered the possibility of returning to the sites, again and again, at any time, to experience the works in new ways at different times of the day.

Thilo Frank: You and I, wandering on the snake’s tail, 2016
With works by Andreas Fischer, Thilo Frank, Tomás Saraceno, Kevin Schmidt, Alfredo Jaar, Kai Schiemenz, Michael Sailstorfer, Tobias Rehberger, Danica Dakić, Björn Dahlem, Elín Hansdóttir, Studio Drift, Yvonne Goulbierm Fabrizio Plessi, Mark Dion.
Lichtparcours artworks can be visited individually and independent of opening hours, around the clock. Please find a map here.
Thilo Frank: You and I, wandering on the snake’s tail
Temporary Public Installation / Ø 10m H 3.5m / Wood, stainless steel wire, zinc coated steel, aluminum, sensor controlled light-system
A weave of 44 wooden beams encompass a circular path. As if suspended, they rotate around a ring-formed central axis, leaving the impression of an unobstructed, and simultaneously, tunnel-like space—a walk-in lattice of flowing lines: reminiscent of a helical body, generating shimmering moiré effects. As the visitor moves through the installation, the sun “draws” constantly varying patterns of light and shadow, and with its changing positions, also determines the shape and dimension of the work. At night, the effect of shadow and the perception of the pavilion is inverted by a light source at the center: fields of light and shadow are uniformly mapped onto the surrounding exterior. In the braid of beams—this entanglement of space, light and time— You and I, wandering on the snake’s tail is an experiential space reflecting the times of the day.

Elín Hansdóttir: Cast
With Cast, Elín Hansdóttir creates a walk-in space, which acts like a filter for the lights from the street of passing cars, trucks and trams. Through vertical slots, light penetrates into the inside of the room and throws ephemeral patterns onto the walls and floors. Exterior movements are hereby converted into momentary fields of flickering light and colour, whose appearance and disappearance occur as a direct reaction to the ever-changing outside world. The experience of the sensual quality of light in an intimate space is intensified by the concentration of just a few rays. Thus, the space offers itself to the recipient, not as an objective “other,” but as a point of initiation for body-bound perception—a relational system, constituting and modifying itself again and again, in transitory exchange with the beholder.
