Three Days of Making Time: Revisiting the Debate between Bergson and Einstein
Three Days of Making Time: Revisiting the Debate between Bergson and Einstein
With Bruno Latour and Olafur Eliasson. Collaboration between Master of Experimentation on Arts and Politics, Sciences Po, Paris, and Institut für Raumexperimente, UdK Berlin.
Day 1
One-minute Experiments. Presentation by the participants from Institut für Raumexperimente and the Master of Experimentation on Arts and Politics. Workshop and conversation with Eric Ellingsen, Valerie Pihet, Christina Werner and guests Armin Linke, Nina Fischer and Maroan el Sani

One-minute experiments from both classes
Day 2
Reenactments, Catastrophes, and Gaia: Lecture by Bruno Latour. Guided tour of Studio Olafur Eliasson. Making Time: Conversation with Bruno Latour and Olafur Eliasson.
Bruno Latour: Reenactments, Catastrophes, and Gaia, part 1
Bruno Latour: Reenactments, Catastrophes, and Gaia, part 2
Day 3
Revisiting the debate between Bergson and Einstein: Public lecture by Olafur Eliasson and Bruno Latour and conversation about the public Bergson-Einstein reenactment experiment. One-minute closed-eye experiment with Eric Ellingsen
Bruno Latour and Olafur Eliasson: Making Time, part 1
Bruno Latour and Olafur Eliasson: Making Time, part 2
Bruno Latour and Olafur Eliasson: Making Time, part 3
Gunter, Peter Addisson Y., „Henri Bergson, Albert Einstein and Henri Piéron. Remarks Concerning Relativity Theory“, in: ders., Bergson and the Evolution of Physics, Knoxville 1969, S. 123–135.
Latour, Bruno, „Some Experiments in Art and Politics“, in: E-Flux Journal, 23, New York 2011, (abgerufen 2011).
Latour, Bruno, „Spheres and Networks: Two Ways to Reinterpret Globalization“, in: Harvard Design Magazine, 30, Harvard 2009, S. 138–144.