WORKS BY: AEAEAEAE, Malte Bartsch, Rune Bosse, Merlin Carter, Leon Eixenberger, Eric Ellingsen, Tomas Espinosa, Hu Fang, Markus Hoffmann, Jeremias Holliger, Elaine W. Ho, Rike Horb., Fabian Knecht, Felix Kiessling, Hans-Henning Korb, Norgard Kröger, Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga, Felix Meyer, Vinzenz Reinecke, Nina Schuiki, Tamura Yuichiro, Kat Válastur, Raul Walch, Joanna Warsza, Christina Werner, Euan Williams
Christina Werner & Eric Ellingsen
Co-produced and hosted by Vitamin Creative Space, Guangzhou, open to the public from 10.2.-10.3.2014.
Walk and public encounter on 17.1.2014.
The Institut für Raumexperimente traveled to Hong Kong, Shenzhen/Dongguan, Guangzhou and Beijing from 9.-25.1.2014. Walk-in-progress is an experiment timing space, primed by the experiences of traveling to meet, leaning into spatial relationships inveigling mental distances, generating moving stories, motions and emotions of scale, speeds slowing, perceptual political contracts of effort and energy, attention spanning directionality, agencies agency. Walk-in-progress shares ideas motion.
The projects are ideas and interventions, images action. Some are precise statements, others errant dreams, others personal distortions and curated delusions. Some are autonomous projects soon to be realized, unknown characters operated on by translations, parts carried and realized in other places, co-authored in the approach, attempts and pitches for projects to come, reflections given to fade.
On Friday 17.1.2014 a silent walk, designed by Eric Ellingsen, Christina Werner, Joanna Warsza, led across downtown Guangzhou, spreading from the Xingang Middle Road, Chigang Market and Vitamin Creative Space featuring time-based works and interventions.
Silent Walk Manual: With a group or alone, walk through part of a city without speaking for at least 30 minutes. While walking, give continuous and focused attention to the loudest sound you hear around you by looking in every direction in which you hear something.
The walk meandered on and ended up on a rooftop, morphed into a celebration, the celebration continued as a gathering inside Vitamin Creative Space with common dumplings cooking, drinks, actions and performances, followed by evening drinks at the near by street vendors, accompanied by further performances.
With special thanks to:Zhang Wei & Hu Fang & team & Olafur Eliasson