12. Juni 2013 / Marathon ⟶
Performance Practices Marathon
Beiträge von
Eric Ellingsen, Christian Falsnaes, Kendell Geers, Hannah Hurtzig, Mathis Landwehr, Antje Majewski, Oliver Marchart, Bettina Masuch, Sarah Mewes, Vladimir Miller, Ece Pazarbasi, Lynn Peemoeller, Alexandra Pirici, Cia Rinne, Stephanie Rosenthal, Frédéric Seguette, Simon Starling, Meg Stuart, Sandra Teitge, Joanna Warsza, Christina Werner, Dana Yahalomi
In den 1530er Jahren bedeutete Performance, ein Versprechen einzulösen. Etwas darzustellen, zu spielen und zu tun. Was bedeutet Performance heute? Es ist eine Art Dinge näher zu bestimmen, auf die alles von Politik über soziale Verflechtungen bis hin zu Technologien (Automotoren, Computer, Medikamente), Umweltsystemen und nachhaltigen Strukturen in Bewegung zum Ausdruck gebracht werden kann. Alle Formen von Tanz über Theater, Schauspiel, darstellende Kunst bis hin zu jeglichen Formen von Aktion, Poesie und so weiter sind dabei möglich.
Eine der Eigenschaften, die wir Performance zuschreiben ist die einer besonderen Beziehung zu Präzision und zum präzise sein. Sie dient als Werkzeug, um Dinge fühlbar zu machen: Etwas das gefühlt werden kann und gleichzeitig Gefühl ist. Wir denken, dass Performance praktiziert wird und eine Praxis ist, Inhalt und Inhaltsproduktion ist, das Produkt seltsam attraktiver Rückkopplungsschleifen zwischen Schauen und Hören, Gedanken und Handlung ist. Diese Handlung wiederholt dann immer und immer wieder den Prozess des Denkens, Tuns, Aktivbleibens und wieder Denkens. Eine solche Art von Performance bedeutet die Beziehung zwischen Vorstellung, Gefühl, Denken und Glauben, die sich ausgehend von der Sprache eines jeden Künstlers darin materialisiert.

Performance Practices Marathon: Tag 1
Performance Practices Marathon: Day 1A workshop drift to forge food from 4 Berlin food markets with Sandra Teitge and Sarah Mewes of Dinner Exchange Berlin & food systems planner Lynn Peemoeller. Along the way a series of art walks led by Eric Ellingsen, Vladimir Miller, Ece Pazarbasi and Christina Werner.
Take a Stand Walk
Measure Walk
Performance Practices Marathon: Tag 1Ein Workshop mit Sandra Teitge und Sarah Mewes von Dinner Exchange Berlin & Lynn Peemoeller, der Sammeln von Lebensmitteln von vier Berliner Wochenmärkten und die Praxis des Driftens und das Format der "Walks" verbindet. Die Serie der Walks wird von Eric Ellingsen, Vladimir Miller, Ece Pazarbasi und Christina Werner geführt.
Take a Stand Walk
Measure Walk

Performance Practices Marathon: Tag 2
Performance Practices Marathon: Day 2Contributions by Christian Falsnaes, Kendell Geers, Oliver Marchart, Bettina Masuch, Vladimir Miller, Alexandra Pirici, Meg Stuart, Joanna Warsza, Dana Yahalomi. Lunch break with Dinner Exchange Berlin +. Day ends with beers and open conversation.
Video Documentation
performance and talk with Christian Falsnaes
Meg Stuart & Vladimir Miller:
"MESSY PILE is a state of engagement for several performers, objects and materials. This durational work was created as a collaboration between Meg Stuart and the artists Vladimir Miller and Claudia Hill and developed as a part of the performance "Sketches/notebook" conceived by Meg Stuart. Where is the balance in collectivity between the individual curiosity of exploration and the movement of the whole? The performers are exploring this question through a state of fascination with a messy pile of materials, clothing and quotidian objects. They are engaged in a constant process of discovery of how a particular thing in the pile is relatable to them, their fantasy and their body, what it is and what it is for. The eagerness not to loose anything, to keep it all together creates a fragile community that constantly shifts its form and direction. A common course of movement emerges here from within a crush of intentions and fuses these negotiations with bodies and objects into something shared: a state of being-together where an engagement with everything as material is the driving force of transformation."
Created with the participation of musician Brendan Dougherty and performers Jorge Rodolfo De Hoyos, Antonija Livingstone, Leyla Postalcioglu, Maria F. Scaroni and Julian Weber. This version performed by Jefferson Arce, Juan Gabriel Harche, Zeina Hanna, Diethild Meier, Annegret Schalke, and Maya Weinberg. Duration variable.
presentation by Joanna Warsza
presentation by Alexandra Pirici
presentation by Dana Yahalomi (Public Movement)
lecture by Oliver Marchart
discussion at the end of the day with guests and participants after an introduction by Kendell Geers reflecting the protests in Istanbul happening at the time.
More Images
Meg Stuart & Vladimir Miller
Christian Falsnaes
Performance Practices Marathon: Tag 2Beiträge von Christian Falsnaes, Kendell Geers, Oliver Marchart, Bettina Masuch, Vladimir Miller, Alexandra Pirici, Meg Stuart, Joanna Warsza, Dana Yahalomi. Mittagessen mit Dinner Exchange Berlin +.
performance and talk with Christian Falsnaes
Meg Stuart & Vladimir Miller:
"MESSY PILE is a state of engagement for several performers, objects and materials. This durational work was created as a collaboration between Meg Stuart and the artists Vladimir Miller and Claudia Hill and developed as a part of the performance "Sketches/notebook" conceived by Meg Stuart. Where is the balance in collectivity between the individual curiosity of exploration and the movement of the whole? The performers are exploring this question through a state of fascination with a messy pile of materials, clothing and quotidian objects. They are engaged in a constant process of discovery of how a particular thing in the pile is relatable to them, their fantasy and their body, what it is and what it is for. The eagerness not to loose anything, to keep it all together creates a fragile community that constantly shifts its form and direction. A common course of movement emerges here from within a crush of intentions and fuses these negotiations with bodies and objects into something shared: a state of being-together where an engagement with everything as material is the driving force of transformation."
Created with the participation of musician Brendan Dougherty and performers Jorge Rodolfo De Hoyos, Antonija Livingstone, Leyla Postalcioglu, Maria F. Scaroni and Julian Weber. This version performed by Jefferson Arce, Juan Gabriel Harche, Zeina Hanna, Diethild Meier, Annegret Schalke, and Maya Weinberg. Duration variable.
Vortrag von Joanna Warsza
Vortrag von Alexandra Pirici
Vortrag von Dana Yahalomi (Public Movement)
Vortrag von Oliver Marchart
Diskussion am Ende des Tages mit Teilnehmer und Gästen nach einer Einführung von Kendell Geers
Weitere Bilder
Meg Stuart & Vladimir Miller
Christian Falsnaes

Performance Practices Marathon: Tag 3
Performance Practices Marathon: Day 3Contributions by Kendell Geers, Hannah Hurtzig, Mathis Landwehr, Antje Majewski, Cia Rinne, Stephanie Rosenthal, Frédéric Seguette, Simon Starling. Lunch break outside with vendors from Kreuzberg Markthalle. Day ends with discussion coffee & walk to beers and Berlin Hunted Wildschwein grill out in middle of Schönhauser Allee.
presentation by Stephanie Rosenthal
watch presentation by Antje Majewski
Discussion with Antje Majewski, Chantal Mouffe, Christina Werner, Cia Rinne, Dana Yahalomi, Eric Ellingsen, Kendell Geers, Olafur Eliasson, Oliver Marchart, and Stephanie Rosenthal
lecture by Hannah Hurtzig
talk by Kendell Geers
Cia Rinne reading from her book Notes for Soloists,
find more at archives zaroum: http://www.afsnitp.dk/galleri/archiveszaroum/ and on ubuweb: http://www.ubu.com/vp/rinne.html (Zaroum and Notes for Soloists)
Mathis Landwehr
Frédéric Seguette performing Jérôme Bel’s "Shirtology"
Berlin Hunted Wildschwein grill
Performance Practices Marathon: Tag 3Beiträge von Kendell Geers, Hannah Hurtzig, Mathis Landwehr, Antje Majewski, Cia Rinne, Stephanie Rosenthal, Frédéric Seguette, Simon Starling.
Präsentation von Stephanie Rosenthal
Präsentation von Antje Majewski
Diskussion mit Antje Majewski, Chantal Mouffe, Christina Werner, Cia Rinne, Dana Yahalomi, Eric Ellingsen, Kendell Geers, Olafur Eliasson, Oliver Marchart und Stephanie Rosenthal
Vortrag von Hannah Hurtzig
Vortrag von Kendell Geers
Cia Rinne liest aus ihrem Buch Notes for Soloists,
weitere Texte in den archives zaroum: http://www.afsnitp.dk/galleri/archiveszaroum/ und bei ubuweb: http://www.ubu.com/vp/rinne.html (Zaroum und Notes for Soloists)
Mathis Landwehr
Frédéric Seguette: "Shirtology" von Jérôme Bel
Berlin Hunted Wildschwein