NOWs: Into The Wild by Anne Duk Hee Jordan

09 July 2017 / Nows


Into The Wild by Anne Duk Hee Jordan

Into The Wild is a conceptual dinner by Anne Duk Hee Jordan in collaboration with the “Herbarium Leipzig”, in the framework of the Berlin Food Art Week.

Into The Wild presents a table of long forgotten herbs, edible fragrance flowers, and ancient root knots. The visitors are invited to take part in an enjoyable adventure of their own perception and to consume in direct access to the presented fruits. The dinner table becomes a lavish heterotopy. It refers to crops which were formerly offered in the local markets, and have almost disappeared. Gradually, the “old” returns. Such as The Night Candle, originating from North America, used to be one of the most important medicinal plants. In the 16th century, it was brought to Europe as an ornamental plant and cultivated in gardens. One quickly learned to use the potential of the plant as a vegetable.

Into The Wild will be a sensual taste experience, going back to the basics, eating with our own hands, no plates, no forks, no knives: a tête a tête with the family of nettles and watercress species, tubers are prepared as ragout and we will get to know trees surprisingly different.

Hallesches Haus
Tempelhofer-Ufer 1
10961 Berlin

Sunday, 7 pm

5 courses menu
45,00 Euro / person
limited seats available

Book your ticket.