19 July 2014 / Acting Archives, Collaboration, Workshop ⟶
A-B-A-B-A : from hear to here
A-B-A-B-A : from hear to here is an experiment on rhythms of poetry, soundings, in-voicing, performing, playing, rehearsing, and talking together. In this exercise of style, poets and musicians from Ethiopia joined international poets, musicians, artists, and translators based in Berlin for a workshop taking place at the Institut für Raumexperimente and the Roter Salon at the Volksbühne Berlin between July 11 – 19, culminating in a poetry night on Saturday, July 19.
Spoken poetry has a long history in Ethiopia. Often loaded with hidden meanings, this lyrical form is known as “Wax and Gold”. During A-B-A-B-A : from hear to here, contemporary expressions of this tradition were tested in an artistic dialogue. Ethiopian poetry today refers to itself as “Poetic Jazz”. Poetic Jazz crosses genetic material from music and poetry in a way that discovers a style and form based in listening. Rhythms, styles, and modes of playing are created between the musicians and the poets and reflect the specific quality of the poems being performed. A weeklong workshop in Berlin blended structures of listening and playing. Music and artistic approaches and styles of critiquing poetry, particular to some European and US poetry today, entered the mix as well. The workshop led to a poetry concert night with contributions by Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Robert Lippok, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin, Misrak Terefe, Rike Scheffler, and Uljana Wolf.
Participants are: Eric Ellingsen (poet/writer, Berlin/US), Mihret Kebede (poet, Addis Abeba), Robert Lippok (musician, Berlin), Abebaw Melaku (poet, Addis Abeba), Jorga Mesfin (musician, Addis Abeba), Ari Benjamin Meyers (composer/conductor, Berlin/US), Rike Scheffler (poet, Berlin), Misrak Terefe (poet, Addis Abeba), Uljana Wolf (poet, Berlin), and others
A-B-A-B-A : from hear to here is part of Acting Archives, a project by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin University of the Arts and the Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University. It is choreographed by Christina Werner and Eric Ellingsen, and realised together with Palais Wittgenstein / Roter Salon at the Volksbühne Berlin; supported by Studio Olafur Eliasson, and funded by the TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

A-B-A-B-A: from hear to here. Poetry Jazz at Roter Salon
Saturday, 19.7.2014, 19.30–21.30 h
Eric Ellingsen (poet/writer, Berlin/US), Mihret Kebede (poet, Addis Ababa), Robert Lippok (musician, Berlin), Abebaw Melaku (poet, Addis Ababa), Jorga Mesfin (musician, Addis Ababa), Rike Scheffler (poet, Berlin), Misrak Terefe (poet, Addis Ababa), Uljana Wolf (poet, Berlin)
A-B-A-B-A : from hear to here is part of Acting Archives, a project by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin University of the Arts and the Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University, supported by Studio Olafur Eliasson, and funded by the TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation. It is choreographed by Christina Werner and Eric Ellingsen, and realised together with Palais Wittgenstein / Roter Salon at the Volksbühne Berlin.
Samstag, 19.7.2014, 19.30–21.30 Uhr
Eric Ellingsen (Dichter/Autor, Berlin/USA), Mihret Kebede (Dichterin, Addis Abeba), Robert Lippok (Musiker, Berlin), Abebaw Melaku (Dichter, Addis Abeba), Jorga Mesfin (Musiker, Addis Abeba), Ari Benjamin Meyers (Komponist/Dirigent, Berlin/USA), Rike Scheffler (Dichterin, Berlin), Misrak Terefe (Dichterin, Addis Abeba), Uljana Wolf (Dichterin, Berlin).
A-B-A-B-A : from hear to here ist eine Veranstaltungsreihe im Rahmen von Acting Archives, einem Projekt des Instituts für Raumexperimente der Universität der Künste Berlin und der Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University, unterstützt durch Studio Olafur Eliasson, gefördert im Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, realisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit Palais Wittgenstein/Roter Salon an der Volksbühne Berlin.
Künstlerische Leitung: Christina Werner und Eric Ellingsen.

A-B-A-B-A : Workshop, Day 1
17, 18, 19 July 2014: workshop and rehearsal
Spoken poetry has a long history in Ethiopia. Often traversed with hidden meanings, this lyrical form is known as “Wax and Gold”. During A-B-A-B-A : from hear to here contemporary expressions of this tradition will be tested in an artistic dialogue. Ethiopian poetry today refers to itself as Jazz Poetry. Jazz Poetry crosses genetic material from music and poetry in a way, which discovers a style and forms based in listening. Through listening, rhythms and styles and modes of playing are created between the musicians and the poets particular to the poems and poets performing. During the workshop and presentation we will use this structure of listening and playing. Music and artistic styles and styles of critiquing poetry, particular to some European and US poetry today, will be mixed in.
Participants: Eric Ellingsen (poet/writer, Berlin/US), Mihret Kebede (poet, Addis Abeba), Robert Lippok (musician, Berlin), Abebaw Melaku (poet, Addis Abeba), Jorga Mesfin (musician, Addis Abeba), Ari Benjamin Meyers (composer/conductor, Berlin/US), Rike Scheffler (poet, Berlin), Misrak Terefe (poet, Addis Abeba), Uljana Wolf (poet, Berlin), and others
Documentary: Poetic Jazz Ethiopia
This event is part of Acting Archives, a project by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin University of the Arts and the Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University, supported by Studio Olafur Eliasson, and funded by the TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
17./18./19. Juli 2014: Workshop und Probe
In Äthiopien hat insbesondere die gesprochene Lyrik eine lange Geschichte. Oft mit verborgenen Bedeutungskomponenten durchzogen ist die lyrische Form auch als „Wax and Gold“ bekannt. Zeitgenössische Ausdrucksformen dieser Tradition werden im künstlerischen Dialog mit anderen Wort- und Dichtkünsten erprobt. Die eingeladenen Künstler aus Äthiopien kreuzen in ihrer als Jazz Poetry bezeichneten Performance Einflüsse aus Musik, Poesie und Rezitation, wodurch ein Zusammenspiel aus Rhythmen, Metren und Stilen erst beim Zuhören zwischen Musikern, Dichtern und Publikum entsteht. Im Rahmen des Workshops fließen diese musikalischen und künstlerisch-poetischen Stilmittel, aber auch Rezitations- und Kritikformen, die in der europäischen und amerikanischen Lyrik verbreitet sind, ein.
Gäste: Eric Ellingsen (Dichter/Autor, Berlin/USA), Mihret Kebede (Dichterin, Addis Abeba), Robert Lippok (Musiker, Berlin), Abebaw Melaku (Dichter, Addis Abeba), Jorga Mesfin (Musiker, Addis Abeba), Ari Benjamin Meyers (Komponist/Dirigent, Berlin/USA), Rike Scheffler (Dichterin, Berlin), Misrak Terefe (Dichterin, Addis Abeba), Uljana Wolf (Dichterin, Berlin), und andere.
Documentation: Poetic Jazz Ethiopia
Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen von Acting Archives, einem Projekt des Instituts für Raumexperimente der Universität der Künste Berlin und der Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University, unterstützt durch Studio Olafur Eliasson, gefördert im Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

A-B-A-B-A : Workshop, Day 2
17, 18, 19 July 2014: workshop and rehearsal
Participants: Eric Ellingsen (poet/writer, Berlin/US), Mihret Kebede (poet, Addis Abeba), Robert Lippok (musician, Berlin), Abebaw Melaku (poet, Addis Abeba), Jorga Mesfin (musician, Addis Abeba), Ari Benjamin Meyers (composer/conductor, Berlin/US), Rike Scheffler (poet, Berlin), Misrak Terefe (poet, Addis Abeba), Uljana Wolf (poet, Berlin), and others
This event is part of Acting Archives, a project by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin University of the Arts and the Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University, supported by Studio Olafur Eliasson, and funded by the TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
17./18./19. Juli 2014: Workshop und Probe
Gäste: Eric Ellingsen (Dichter/Autor, Berlin/USA), Mihret Kebede (Dichterin, Addis Abeba), Robert Lippok (Musiker, Berlin), Abebaw Melaku (Dichter, Addis Abeba), Jorga Mesfin (Musiker, Addis Abeba), Ari Benjamin Meyers (Komponist/Dirigent, Berlin/USA), Rike Scheffler (Dichterin, Berlin), Misrak Terefe (Dichterin, Addis Abeba), Uljana Wolf (Dichterin, Berlin), und andere.
Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen von Acting Archives, einem Projekt des Instituts für Raumexperimente der Universität der Künste Berlin und der Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University, unterstützt durch Studio Olafur Eliasson, gefördert im Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

A-B-A-B-A : Translation Workshop
Translation from Amharric to English with Eric Ellingsen (poet/writer, Berlin/US), Mihret Kebede (poet, Addis Abeba), Abebas Melaku (poet, Addis Abeba), Jorga Mesfin (musician/interpreter, Addis Abeba), Rike Scheffler (poet, Berlin), Misrak Terefe (poet, Addis Abeba), Uljana Wolf (poet, Berlin)
This event is part of Acting Archives, a project by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin University of the Arts and the Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University, supported by Studio Olafur Eliasson, and funded by the TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Übersetzungsarbeit mit Eric Ellingsen (Dichter/Autor, Berlin/USA), Mihret Kebede (Dichterin, Addis Abeba), Abebaw Melaku (Dichter, Addis Abeba), Jorga Mesfin (Musiker/Dolmetscher, Addis Abeba), Rike Scheffler (Dichterin, Berlin), Misrak Terefe (Dichterin, Addis Abeba), Uljana Wolf (Dichterin, Berlin)
Eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen von Acting Archives, einem Projekt des Instituts für Raumexperimente der Universität der Künste Berlin und der Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University, unterstützt durch Studio Olafur Eliasson, gefördert im Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.