Collaboration ⟶
Poetry Jazz – Publication

Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold
Poetry Publication in Amharic, English and German
“No word is said without a world around it, these networks of words – spoken, exchanged, received, and reconfigured – co-produce our collective reality. They constitute not only a saying but an action.” – Olafur Eliasson
In the context of a long-term collaboration co-produced by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin and Tobyia Poetic Jazz, Addis Ababa, the publication Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold collects the voices of poets, wordsmiths, sound artists, musicians, composers and translators based in Ethiopia, Germany, the United States and South Africa.
The book is a collection of translation acts that chronicles six editions of live events alternating between Addis Ababa and Berlin. Fusing poetry in Amharic, English and German with live music, primed players from the international collective perform in critical and entertaining concert, drawing connections between diverse lyrical traditions, traditional Ethiopian pentatonic music, jazz influences, protest songs and contemporary electronic music. The practice of poetry jazz activates the invested audience through ‘Wax and Gold’, an Ethiopian form of artistic communication imbued with layered, clandestine meanings. The literal, superficial layer of ‘wax’ conceals a core of ‘gold’ that reveals itself through the intimate exchange between performers and public.
The Poetry Jazz artists act as popular ambassadors for the lively crowds and broadcast (hi)stories of destabilized communities from Addis Ababa to Berlin, Chicago or Cape Town. The story behind the scenes is just as compelling and suggests subversive methodologies to challenge threats to the freedom of expression.
The book both presents a selection of best practice examples that vibrated between stage and auditorium and offers insight into the working processes of the Poetry Jazz artists, their detours of uncertainty and the gaps in their translations acts and modes of shared knowledge-production. The texts derive from linguistic collisions that turn poetry into physical spaces where history is continually approached, negotiated, tuned and returned to. Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold showcases poems, word experiments, acoustic mappings, visual renderings, essays and reflections in various states of translation and documentation.
With contributions by Frezer Admasu Molaligne, Olafur Eliasson, Eric Ellingsen, Clara Jo, Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Erica Licht, Robert Lippok, Bekele Mekonnen, Nebiy Mekonnen, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin, Ari Benjamin Meyers, Neo Muyanga, Nolly Nesbit, Cia Rinne, Solomon Sahle Tizazu, Rike Scheffler, Robel Temesgen, Misrak Terefe Ergetu, Rediet Terefe Wegayehu, Christina Werner, Uljana Wolf, and Meheret Zelleke.
Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold, Berlin, 2019
Edited by Institut für Raumexperimente e.V., Berlin;
in collaboration with Tobiya Poetic Jazz, Addis Ababa
Published by Koenig Books, London
Hardback; 256 pages; 22.0 cm x 33.0 cm
Amharic, English and German
Graphic Design: BASICS09
ISBN: 978-3-86335-713-9
Price 29.80 euros
Available at Buchhandlung Walther König
The Institut für Raumexperimente (Institute for Spatial Experiments) was affiliated with the Berlin University of the Arts from 2009 to 2014 as an experimental education and research project led by its founding director Olafur Eliasson. Since January 2015, the institute has operated as a non-profit registered organization (e.V.). It continues the work of the original five-year project and its goal of supporting artistic research and education.
Tobiya Poetic Jazz was founded by poets Abebaw Melaku, Mihret Kebede, Demissew Mersha, and Misrak Terefe in Addis Ababa in 2008. They established monthly poetry and jazz events that became increasingly popular and have grown to attract audiences of more than 1500 people each month. The Netsa Awechi Band, founded and led by Jorga Mesfin, has been the backbone of the events with open-ended experimental music compositions. The protagonists reach a national audience in Ethiopia through performances in cities across the country and through TV and radio broadcasts. Tobiya Poetic Jazz aims for critical independence to offer a creative platform to its audience.
This publication is part of the poetry series Poetry Jazz: Wax and Honey, I’m Home, initiated by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin, in dialogue withTobiya Poetic Jazz, Addis Ababa; in cooperation with the Akademie der Künste, Berlin; with support from Studio Olafur Eliasson, Berlin, the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago, and the Co-financing Fund of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Berlin.
It is funded by TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold. Publication Preview
Poetry Jazz: Wax and GoldPoetry Publication in Amharic, English and German
With contributions by Frezer Admasu Molaligne, Olafur Eliasson, Eric Ellingsen, Clara Jo, Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Erica Licht, Robert Lippok, Bekele Mekonnen, Nebiy Mekonnen, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin, Ari Benjamin Meyers, Neo Muyanga, Nolly Nesbit, Cia Rinne, Solomon Sahle Tizazu, Rike Scheffler, Robel Temesgen, Misrak Terefe Ergetu, Rediet Terefe Wegayehu, Christina Werner, Uljana Wolf, and Meheret Zelleke.
Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold, Berlin, 2019
Edited by Institut für Raumexperimente e.V., Berlin;
in collaboration with Tobiya Poetic Jazz, Addis Ababa
Published by Koenig Books, London
Hardback; 256 pages; 22.0 cm x 33.0 cm
Amharic, English, and German
Graphic Design: BASICS09
ISBN: 978-3-86335-713-9
Price 29.80 euros
Available at Buchhandlung Walther König
This publication is part of the poetry series Poetry Jazz: Wax and Honey, I’m Home, initiated by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin, in dialogue with Tobiya Poetic Jazz, Addis Ababa; in cooperation with the Akademie der Künste, Berlin; with support from Studio Olafur Eliasson, Berlin, the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago, and the Co-financing Fund of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Berlin.
It is funded by TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Poetry Jazz: Wax and GoldPoesie-Publikation, erschienen auf Amharisch, Englisch und Deutsch
Mit Beiträgen von Frezer Admasu Molaligne, Olafur Eliasson, Eric Ellingsen, Clara Jo, Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Erica Licht, Robert Lippok, Bekele Mekonnen, Nebiy Mekonnen, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin, Ari Benjamin Meyers, Neo Muyanga, Nolly Nesbit, Cia Rinne, Solomon Sahle Tizazu, Rike Scheffler, Robel Temesgen, Misrak Terefe Ergetu, Rediet Terefe Wegayehu, Christina Werner, Uljana Wolf und Meheret Zelleke.
Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold, Berlin, 2019
Institut für Raumexperimente e.V., Berlin;
in Zusammenarbeit mit Tobiya Poetic Jazz, Addis Ababa
Erschienen bei Koenig Books, London
Hardcover; 256 Seiten; 22,0 cm x 33,0 cm
Amharisch, Englisch und Deutsch
Grafikdesign: BASICS09
ISBN: 978-3-86335-713-9
29,80 Euro
Erhältlich bei Buchhandlung Walther König
Die Publikation ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe Poetry Jazz: Wax and Honey, I’m home des Institut für Raumexperimente in Berlin entstanden im Dialog mit Tobiya Poetic Jazz aus Addis Abeba und realisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Akademie der Künste in Berlin. Das Projekt wurde durch Studio Olafur Eliasson, Berlin, durch den Kofinanzierungsfonds der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa in Berlin und die Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts in Chicago unterstützt.
Es wurde finanziert durch den Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold. Live Recordings
Hear Choir. Chorus I. Performed by Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Abebaw Melaku, and Misrak Terefe Ergetu
ፊደል / Alphabet. Performed by Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin (piano), and Misrak Terefe Ergetu
False Friends. Poem by Uljana Wolf. Performed by Uljana Wolf, Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin (piano), and Misrak Terefe Ergetu
እኔ ነኝ / It s me. Poem written and performed by Abebaw Melaku, accompanied by Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Robert Lippok (live electronics), Jorga Mesfin (piano), and Misrak Terefe Ergetu
Ambassel. Saxofon Solo by Jorga Mesfin
Instrumental. Performed by Jorga Mesfin (piano), Tasew Wendem Mose (flute), Robert Lippok (live electronics)
እኔነት by Frezer Admasu Molaligne. Translation by Rike Scheffler. Performed by Frezer Admasu Molaligne, Rike Scheffler
እኔነት by Frezer Admasu Molaligne. Translation by Eric Ellingsen. Performed by Frezer Admasu Molaligne, Eric Ellingsen, Rike Scheffler
Intermezzo. Performed by Jorga Mesfin (piano), Tasew Wendem Mose (flute and vocal), Robert Lippok (live electronics)
የሀገሬ ባሎች / Husbands of My Dear Country. Poem by Mihret Kebede Alwabie, translated by Eric Ellingsen, Jorga Mesfin and Uljana Wolf; performed by Mihret Kebede Alwabie und Uljana Wolf, with Jorga Mesfin (piano)
friends and enemies by Cia Rinne. Ethiopian version of Cia Rinne’s friends and enemies by Nebiy Mekonnen. Performed by Cia Rinne
Flags. Performed by Nebiy Mekonnen, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe Ergetu, Frezer Admasu Molaligne
Instrumental. Performed by Jorga Mesfin (saxophone), Robert Lippok (live electronics)
A Sound Flag. United States of America by Eric Ellingsen and A Sound Flag. Ethiopia by Mihret Kebede Alwabie
If you see something say something by Eric Ellingsen. Performed by Eric Ellingsen with Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe Ergetu
የጸጥታ ወግ / Tales of Silence by Mihret Kebede Alwabie, translated and performed by Eric Ellingsen and Mihret Kebede Alwabie
የጸጥታ ወግ / Sagen, über die Stille by Mihret Kebede Alwabie, translated and performed by Rike Scheffler and Mihret Kebede Alwabie. Preface to Nebiy Mekonnen’s The Letter of the Water by Eric Ellingsen. የውሀው ደብዳቤ by Nebiy Mekonnen
የነፋስ ደብዳቤ by Misrak Terefe Ergetu
The Thinking Reed by Rike Scheffler
Instrumental by Jorga Mesfin (piano), Robert Lippok (live electronics)
የሰው ሀገር ሰው ነኝ by Solomon Sahle Tizazu
poem by Mihret Kebede Alwabie, (Oh center city) translated and performed by Eric Ellingsen and Mihret Kebede Alwabie. Mabayeke. Mabayeke (Thina Sizwe) conducted by Neo Muyanga
It’s not Saying What It Says It Says and That Too by Eric Ellingsen
Love Triangle by Nebiy Mekonnen, Misrak Terefe Ergetu, Rediet Terefe Wegayehu
Moving In by Rike Scheffler
ትዝታ እና ተስፋ by Frezer Admasu Molaligne
ነገን ኮረጅ በቃ / Plagiarize the future by Nebiy Mekonnen, translation by Eric Ellingsen and Meheret Zelleke
These live recordings are part of the poetry series Poetry Jazz: Wax and Honey, I’m Home, initiated by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin; in dialogue with Tobiya Poetic Jazz, Addis Ababa; in cooperation with the Akademie der Künste, Berlin; with support from Studio Olafur Eliasson, Berlin, the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago, and the Co-financing Fund of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Berlin.
It is funded by TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Hear Choir. Chorus I. Ausgeführt von Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Abebaw Melaku und Misrak Terefe Ergetu
ፊደል / Alphabet. Ausgeführt von Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin (Klavier) und Misrak Terefe Ergetu
False Friends. Gedicht von Uljana Wolf. Ausgeführt von Uljana Wolf, Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin (Klavier) und Misrak Terefe Ergetu
እኔ ነኝ / It s me. Gedicht von Abebaw Melaku, ausgeführt von Abebaw Melaku, mit Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Robert Lippok (Live Electronics), Jorga Mesfin (Klavier) und Misrak Terefe Ergetu
Ambassel. Saxophon-Solo von Jorga Mesfin
Instrumental. Aufgeführt von Jorga Mesfin (Klavier), Tasew Wendem Mose (Flöte), Robert Lippok (Live Electronics)
እኔነት von Frezer Admasu Molaligne. Übersetzt von Rike Scheffler. Aufgeführt von Frezer Admasu Molaligne, Rike Scheffler
እኔነት von Frezer Admasu Molaligne. Übersetzt von Eric Ellingsen. Aufgeführt von Frezer Admasu Molaligne, Eric Ellingsen, Rike Scheffler
Intermezzo. Aufgeführt von Jorga Mesfin (Klavier), Tasew Wendem Mose (Flöte und Gesang), Robert Lippok (Live Electronics)
የሀገሬ ባሎች / Husbands of My Dear Country. Gedicht von Mihret Kebede Alwabie, übersetzt von Eric Ellingsen, Jorga Mesfin und Uljana Wolf; aufgeführt von Mihret Kebede Alwabie und Uljana Wolf, mit Jorga Mesfin (Klavier)
friends and enemies von Cia Rinne. Äthiopische Version von Cia Rinnes friends and enemies von Nebiy Mekonnen. Aufgeführt von Cia Rinne
Flags. Aufgeführt von Nebiy Mekonnen, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe Ergetu, Frezer Admasu Molaligne
Instrumental. Aufgeführt von Jorga Mesfin (Saxofon), Robert Lippok (Electronics)
A Sound Flag. United States of America von Eric Ellingsen und A Sound Flag. Ethiopia von Mihret Kebede Alwabie
If you see something say something von Eric Ellingsen. Aufgeführt von Eric Ellingsen mit Mihret Kebede Alwabie, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe Ergetu
የጸጥታ ወግ / Tales of Silence. Gedicht von Mihret Kebede Alwabie. Übersetzt und aufgeführt von Mihret Kebede Alwabie und Eric Ellingsen
የጸጥታ ወግ / Sagen, über die Stille von Mihret Kebede Alwabie, übersetzt und aufgeführt von Rike Scheffler. Einführung zu Nebiy Mekonnens The Letter of the Water von Eric Ellingsen. የውሀው ደብዳቤ von Nebiy Mekonnen
የነፋስ ደብዳቤ von Misrak Terefe Ergetu
The Thinking Reed von Rike Scheffler
Instrumental von Jorga Mesfin (Klavier), Robert Lippok (Live Electronics)
የሰው ሀገር ሰው ነኝ von Solomon Sahle Tizazu
Gedicht von Mihret Kebede Alwabie, (Oh center city) übersetzt und aufgeführt von Eric Ellingsen und Mihret Kebede Alwabie. Mabayeke (Thina Sizwe) dirigiert von Neo Muyanga
It’s not Saying What It Says It Says and That Too von Eric Ellingsen
Love Triangle von Nebiy Mekonnen, Misrak Terefe Ergetu, Rediet Terefe Wegayehu
Moving In von Rike Scheffler
ትዝታ እና ተስፋ von Frezer Admasu Molaligne
ነገን ኮረጅ በቃ / Plagiarize the future von Nebiy Mekonnen, übersetzt von Eric Ellingsen und Meheret Zelleke
Die Hörbeispiele sind Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe Poetry Jazz: Wax and Honey, I’m home des Institut für Raumexperimente in Berlin entstanden im Dialog mit Tobiya Poetic Jazz aus Addis Abeba und realisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Akademie der Künste in Berlin. Das Projekt wurde durch Studio Olafur Eliasson, Berlin, durch den Kofinanzierungsfonds der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa in Berlin und die Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts in Chicago unterstützt.
Es wurde finanziert durch den Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold. Films
Making of Poetry Jazz: Wax and GoldFilms by Clara Jo
Clara Jo documented the workshops and concerts for the long-term Poetry collaboration between the Institut für Raumexperimente (Berlin) and Tobiya Poetic Jazz (Addis Ababa). As a filmmaker, she focused on the sensual and aural qualities in the participants’ physical and linguistic search for common vernacular expressions, particularly lending her eyes and ears to the gaps of literal translation. In these artistic making-of films, she follows the rehearsal and production process and offers a glance behind the scenes to the dynamics between stage and audience.
Poetry Jazz: Solid Gold (2019)
Director: Clara Jo; Featuring: Frezer Admasu, Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Robert Lippok, Nebiy Mekonnen, Jorga Mesfin, Neo Muyanga, Solomon Sahle Tizazu, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe, Rediet Terefe Wegayehu, Tasew Wendem Mose, Christina Werner.
Poetry Jazz: Solid Gold, a film by Clara Jo
Poetry Jazz: The Rehearsal (2019)
Director: Clara Jo; Featuring: Frezer Admasu, Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Robert Lippok, Nebiy Mekonnen, Jorga Mesfin, Neo Muyanga, Solomon Sahle Tizazu, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe, Rediet Terefe Wegayehu, Tasew Wendem Mose, Christina Werner.
Poetry Jazz: The Rehearsal, a film by Clara Jo
Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold (2018)
Director: Clara Jo; Featuring: Frezer Admasu, Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Robert Lippok, Nebiy Mekonnen, Jorga Mesfin, Tasew Wendem Mose, Cia Rinne, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe, Christina Werner.
Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold, a film by Clara Jo
These films are part of the poetry series Poetry Jazz: Wax and Honey, I’m Home by the Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin; in cooperation with the Akademie der Künste, Berlin; in dialogue with Tobiya Poetic Jazz, Addis Ababa; choreographed by Christina Werner; supported by the Studio Olafur Eliasson, Berlin; Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Chicago; Co-financing Fund of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Berlin. Funded by the TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
A-B-A-B-A: from here to hear (2016)
Director: Clara Jo; Featuring: Gashahn Abateneh, Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Erica Licht, Robert Lippok, Nebiy Mekonnen, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin, Ari Benjamin Meyers, Bekele Mekonnen, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe, Christina Werner, Uljana Wolf, The Moseb Traditional Music Band, Addis Ababa.
A-B-A-B-A: from here to hear, a film by Clara Jo
Roter Salon. A-B-A-B-A: from hear to here (2014)
Director: Clara Jo; Featuring: Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Robert Lippok, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin, Ari Benjamin Meyers, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe, Christina Werner, Uljana Wolf.
Roter Salon. A-B-A-B-A: from hear to here, a film by Clara Jo
These films are part of the event series A-B-A-B-A : from hear to here as part of Acting Archives, a project initiated by Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin University of the Arts together with the Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University. The project is choreographed by Christina Werner and Eric Ellingsen; realized together with Palais Wittgenstein at Roter Salon at Volksbühne Berlin and the Alliance Ethio-Française d’Addis-Abeba. It is supported by Studio Olafur Eliasson and funded by the TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Making of Poetry Jazz: Wax and GoldFilme von Clara Jo
Clara Jo hielt die Workshops und Konzerte der langfristig angelegten Poetry Jazz Kooperation zwischen dem Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin und Tobiya Poetic Jazz, Addis Abeba mit der Kamera fest. Als Filmemacherin stellte sie dabei das Sinnliche und Aurale in der körperlichen wie sprachlichen Suche der Teilnehmer:innen nach gemeinsamen und doch eigenen Ausdrucksformen in den Fokus, insbesondere schenkte sie dabei den beim Übersetzen entstehenden Sollbruchstellen ihre Aufmerksamkeit. In ihre künstlerischen Making-ofs begleitet sie die Proben- und Produktionsprozesse und ermöglicht einen Blick hinter die Kulissen und folgt den Dynamiken, die den Resonanzraum zwischen Bühne und Publikum in Schwingung versetzten.
Poetry Jazz: Solid Gold (2019)
Regie: Clara Jo; mit Frezer Admasu, Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Robert Lippok, Nebiy Mekonnen, Jorga Mesfin, Neo Muyanga, Solomon Sahle Tizazu, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe, Rediet Terefe Wegayehu, Tasew Wendem Mose, Christina Werner.
Poetry Jazz: Solid Gold, a film by Clara Jo
Poetry Jazz: The Rehearsal (2019)
Regie: Clara Jo; mit Frezer Admasu, Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Robert Lippok, Nebiy Mekonnen, Jorga Mesfin, Neo Muyanga, Solomon Sahle Tizazu, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe, Rediet Terefe Wegayehu, Tasew Wendem Mose, Christina Werner.
Poetry Jazz: The Rehearsal, a film by Clara Jo
Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold (2018)
Regie: Clara Jo; mit Frezer Admasu, Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Robert Lippok, Nebiy Mekonnen, Jorga Mesfin, Tasew Wendem Mose, Cia Rinne, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe, Christina Werner.
Poetry Jazz: Wax and Gold, a film by Clara Jo
Die Filme sind im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Poetry Jazz: Wax and Honey, I’m Home des Instituts für Raumexperimente in Berlin entstanden, im Dialog mit Tobiya Poetic Jazz aus Addis Abeba und realisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit der Akademie der Künste in Berlin. Das Projekt wurde durch den Kofinanzierungsfonds der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa in Berlin und die Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts in Chicago unterstützt. Es wurde finanziert durch den Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.
A-B-A-B-A: from here to hear (2016)
Regie: Clara Jo; mit Gashahn Abateneh, Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Erica Licht, Robert Lippok, Nebiy Mekonnen, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin, Ari Benjamin Meyers, Bekele Mekonnen, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe, Christina Werner, Uljana Wolf, The Moseb Traditional Music Band, Addis Ababa.
A-B-A-B-A: from here to hear, a film by Clara Jo
Roter Salon. A-B-A-B-A: from hear to here (2014)
Regie: Clara Jo; mit Eric Ellingsen, Mihret Kebede, Robert Lippok, Abebaw Melaku, Jorga Mesfin, Ari Benjamin Meyers, Rike Scheffler, Misrak Terefe, Christina Werner, Uljana Wolf.
Roter Salon. A-B-A-B-A: from hear to here, a film by Clara Jo
Die Filme sind im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe A-B-A-B-A : from hear to here entstanden als Teil des Projekts Acting Archives, initiiert durch das Institut für Raumexperimente, Universität der Künste Berlin in Zusammenarbeit mit der Alle School of Fine Arts and Design, Addis Ababa University. Das Projekt ist von Christina Werner and Eric Ellingsen choreographiert, realisiert mit der Unterstützung der Alle School of Fine Arts and Design der Universität Addis Abeba, der Alliance Ethio-Française d’Addis Abeba, dem Palais Wittgenstein im Roten Salon der Volksbühne Berlin und dem Studio Olafur Eliasson in Berlin. Es wurde finanziert durch den Fonds TURN der Kulturstiftung des Bundes.